Wednesday, 29 August 2012


Ngo is a registered non profitable, nongovernmental organization which is committed to help the undeserved through strategic interventions in health, education and skills learning.

We, humans, are meant to help each other. Helping the mankind and bringing relief to their sufferings is the only way we to make our earth encompassed by peace. With the same intention many organizations are working in Pakistan to promote peace for example Bardasht (founded by NILOFER BAKHTIYAR), Shaukat khanam cancer hospital (founded by IMRAN KHAN), depilex smile again foundation (founded by musarrat misbah) etc.

Blame Games Being Played Against Charity Foundations

These organizations are not being run by their founders only. Founders have only taken a step. It’s the people like you and me who are responsible for the success of such NGOs and hence helping the suffering mankind.

NGOs are not meant to earn, they are meant to serve. They run on the top of the financial aids, donations and sponsorships. These donations are the only assets they have to promote peace by helping under privileged sufferers.

It has been noticed that many NGOs are now being blamed for using funds and donations for their personal matters instead of spending it on the sufferers. People, without realizing the truth, believe on the word of mouth and stop donating for the sufferers being helped by that NGO.

It is done to harm the founder. Some people who have their personal clashes with the founder or the organization start spreading such rumors in order to put it to loss. It leaves a really bad effect not on the founder but the sufferers who were being treated. Poeple who blame NGOs should not do it just because of their personal clashes with the founder. This rumor does more harm to the sufferers than the founder or organization’s reputation.

Depilex Smileagain Foundation and its cause of restoring the smiles of acid and kerosene burn victims

People who stop giving donations to NGOs considering them fraudulent should think wise and positive. It does not matter that where your donations are being used. The thing that really matters is that the purpose of your donations is being fulfilled or not. After all it’s GOD who will reward you for your good deeds and intentions, not the people.

Patients being treated in Depilex Smileagain